Dog Urine Spots: How to Fix Your Lawn

Dogs are said to be man's best friend, and understandably so. However, the love we have for animals doesn't eliminate the frustration that can come from early wake-up calls, the constant begging for food, overall maintenance, and the dreaded urine spots on your lawn. Now don't forget, your pup can't help it – it's just how they were made. We also understand that spots on your lawn might not be ideal, so keep reading for some tips on how to fix and prevent urine spots, with a few tips for your pup too!  

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5 Weeds That Look Like Grass

If your grass is green, what does it matter if it's a combination of grass and weeds that look like grass? No harm, no foul – right? Not quite. Weeds compete for air, water, and nutrients, giving the good grass less of a chance to thrive and opening it up to disease and insect infestation. Though it may be just a few weeds to start with, they quickly take over your lawn and kill off your desirable grass before you know it. That's why it's important to know about the different types of weeds that find their way into your yard and disguise themselves as grass. 

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Mossy Lawn: What Now?

In 2019, Georgia homeowners reported an increased amount of moss in their lawns over the summer. Though a couple of years have passed since that report, not much has changed. Homeowners are fighting off moss and they don't quite know how to win. If you have experienced moss growing where grass should be, there are a few things to keep in mind as you look into how to control your current moss issue and how to prevent it in the future.

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How to Grow Grass in the Shade

Who doesn't want thick, beautiful grass covering their yard? We don't know many people who don't want that. However, there comes a dilemma that many people run across…how to grow grass in the shade. It can seem impossible, but your grass's future is about to get a little brighter (literally and figuratively). Get ready to learn some tips and tricks for getting your grass to grow – even if it's in the shade all day long! 

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