Protect Your Lawn from Damage!
Every lawn in Georgia, whether new or established, is vulnerable to turf disease. Promoting healthy growth is the best way to prevent a severe disease outbreak. Most common lawn diseases can be avoided by using proper mowing and watering practices. Stressed turf is much more susceptible to disease than healthy turf. Even if a disease-causing pathogen is present, infection will not occur unless the environmental conditions are conducive to disease development. Turf diseases can cause major damage to a lawn if not properly treated.
Our Lawn Care Programs are designed to help minimize disease activity in your lawn by promoting healthy growth and proper root development. However, if environmental conditions become favorable for disease, fungicide applications may be necessary to control them. We offer fungicide programs specifically designed to control each individual disease:
Brown Patch Control
This is a 4 treatment program to control Brown Patch in Fescue lawns. These treatments are done in May, June, July, and August.
Zoysia Patch Control
This is a 3 treatment program to control Large Patch (Zoysia Patch) in Zoysia lawns. These treatments are done in March, September, October.
Spring Dead Spot Control
This is a 2 treatment program to control Spring Dead Spot in Bermuda lawns. These treatments are done in September and October.
We also offer one-time treatments for lawn disease. Each disease control treatment lasts up to 28 days per treatment and we guarantee control for 21 days.
Contact us today for more information about lawn disease control.