Keep Your Warm Season Lawn Green This Winter
In the Southeast, warm season grasses (Bermuda and Zoysia) enter dormancy when temperatures begin to drop below 50 degrees, typically in the late fall, and remain dormant until temperatures warm up again in the spring. While warm season lawns are dormant, they lose their green color and turn a yellowish brown.
If you are tired of the dull appearance of your dormant lawn, we have a solution! Agropro is excited to offer turf painting to make your lawn look great through the holidays and into the new year.
Agropro’s turf painting is a better alternative to overseeding your lawn with winter ryegrass for several reasons:
- It’s better for the health of your lawn than overseeding with winter ryegrass.
- Extra mowing, watering, fertilizer, and additional herbicide treatments are not required with turf paint.
- Turf paint does not compete with your existing lawn for nutrients.
- Turf paint will not cause thinning of your existing lawn or other issues during spring transition.
- Our high-quality turf paint is an organic colorant and safe for the environment.
- Turf paint provides consistent, NATURAL color to make your lawn look lush and green.
- Turf painting is completely safe for your lawn. In fact, in some cases, painting turf during the winter can improve its overall health and quicken the spring green-up process, by keeping the grass slightly warmer during cold weather.
How long does it last?
The color will last up to 3 months.
It’s a win-win option!
To request an estimate, click here or call or e-mail us today for pricing and more information:
678-445-9990 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..