Crabgrass, Meet Your Match: How Preemergent Protects Your Lawn

 If you've grown up in Georgia, you probably know crabgrass very well. You've encountered the relentless spread of it and other weeds every spring.

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6 Things About Turf Painting You Need to Stop Believing

As winter rolls in, many of us face the same challenge: our lush lawns begin to lose their green color as common warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia go dormant and turn brown. Enter turf painting, which involves using an organic colorant to give your lawn a green appearance, even during winter, without overseeding.

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Is Your Lawn Dead or Dormant? A Guide for Warm-Season Grass During Winter

Georgia's southern climate allows for both warm-season and cool-season grasses, which can be confusing for homeowners. Cool-season grasses stay green during winter months, while warm-season grasses enter dormancy, turning light brown. If your warm-season grass—like Bermuda, Zoysia, or St. Augustine—is browning, don't fret just yet; it may just be dormant rather than diseased.

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The Best Winter Lawn Care Practices for Fescue Lawns

Fescue lawns are a popular choice among Georgia homeowners, known for their dark green appearance and adaptability to the local climate. This cool-season grass halts top growth during the winter months but the roots continue to grow so they still require care to ensure they emerge healthy and strong come spring. At AgroPro Lawncare Specialists, we believe that a little winter care can go a long way. Here are our top practices to keep your fescue lawn in tip-top shape this winter.

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Mulching vs. Leaf Removal: Choosing the Right Option for Your Yard

Fall is upon us! A favorite season for so many because of the mild temperatures and beautiful mosaic of colors Georgia's landscape offers. But what about when those vibrant leaves cover your lawn? You may be asking yourself, "What do I do once the leaves come down?"

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Fall Lawn Care Mistakes to Avoid in Georgia

As our sweltering summer temperatures give way to the cool air of fall, it's easy to think that lawn care can take a backseat. However, fall is an ideal time to focus some efforts on preparing your yard for the upcoming winter and spring. There are plenty of tasks that can be done to ensure the health of your yard like leaf removal and mulching, but there are also some common mistakes can hinder your efforts and lead to issues later. Here are some top fall lawn care mistakes to avoid this fall.

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Cool-Season Weeds in Georgia: How to Control Them with Pre-Emergent Herbicides

As summer starts to wind down this month and our mornings are getting cooler, a new challenge for lawn care arises: the emergence of cool-season weeds. These turf invaders, such as Poa annua, henbit, and chickweed, can quickly take over your lawn, leading to a whole slew of problems for you in the coming months. 

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Unlocking the Secrets to a Thriving Fescue Lawn: Aeration and Overseeding in Georgia

Achieving a lush, vibrant lawn doesn't happen overnight—it starts with the right preparation. For homeowners in Georgia, September through November is the perfect time for aeration and overseeding, especially for fescue grass. These two important lawn care practices can transform your turf, setting the foundation for a thicker, greener lawn in the seasons to come. 

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Top Watering Practices for Georgia's Scorching Summer

Maintaining a vibrant, healthy lawn or garden throughout Georgia's scorching summer months requires strategic watering practices. As the relentless sun beats down and temperatures soar, proper hydration becomes paramount for your lawn's survival and vitality. 

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Unlocking a Lusher Lawn in Georgia with Core Aeration

As summer approaches and you begin to envision a lush, vibrant lawn, it's crucial to consider not just what you can see, but also what lies beneath. At AgroPro, we understand that the secret to a healthy lawn starts from the ground up—literally. That's why we're diving deep into core aeration, a key practice that can transform your lawn from lackluster to luxurious.

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Is Your Lawn Dead or Just Dormant?

While we are beyond winter months and cold temperatures here in Georgia, you may have noticed that these late Spring days are not as harsh as they have been in years past. Believe us, the hot days will come, but this slight delay in warming up may be impacting your lawn's ability to "wake up". 

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Groundhog Day: What to Expect for Your Lawn with More Winter or an Early Spring

Today, February 2nd, marks the 137th Groundhog Day! Since the original prediction in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in 1887, the aptly-named "Punxsutawney Phil" has only been correct about the coming weather patterns around 39% of the time. 

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Your 2024 Ultimate Lawn Care Calendar

With the arrival of a brand new year there's no better time than the present to get started on planning out essential care for your lawn for 2024! A well-kept and lush lawn doesn't sprout up overnight, it requires year-round effort to maintain growth, prevent disease and more. From those hot summer days to the cold winter nights, check out our ulti...

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Conquering Winter Weeds: Why You Need a Pro to Protect Your Lawn

As winter starts to fall over Metro Atlanta and North Georgia, many homeowners may be tempted to put their lawn care routines on hold. However, this is a crucial time to address the issue of winter weeds, which, contrary to popular belief, can be particularly persistent and detrimental to the health of your lawn year-round.

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Your Fall Lawn Care To-Do List

We're a few weeks removed from the autumnal equinox, otherwise known as the start of fall, and as most Georgians may be able tell, those early morning cold temperatures came a bit early this year! Last October, Georgia residents would've been able to feel an average of 65⁰F degrees outside, this year that average is closer to 55⁰F through 3 weeks. If you love fall weather then you might already be rejoicing to have outlasted another Georgia summer, but what do these fall temperatures mean for the health your lawn? 

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How Inconsistent Soil Temperatures Can Impact Your Lawn

If you're a Georgia native, you know how unpredictable the weather can be – and there's no better example of this than our latest spring temperature trends. You may head out to your vehicle in the morning to go to work feeling a cool, crispness to the air, only to head out in the afternoon to scorching summer-like heat. Not only will most Georgians pick up on this phenomenon, but your lawn will too. 

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What to Know About Warm Season Core Aeration

When you think of your routine lawn care, what comes to mind first? Maybe you think of weekly mowing, or maybe even occasionally spreading fertilizer. While those are great ways to encourage healthy a healthy lawn, one of the often-overlooked aspects of your lawn's health is soil compaction. 

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Your Springtime Watering & Mowing Guide

With spring fully in bloom and summer right around the corner, you're probably gearing up for another year of lawn mowing and watering. This is the time to for your lawn to shine, your grass will be exiting its dormant period as the soil temperatures hold above 50 degrees and you'll begin to see the vibrant green color return to your lawn. 

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Prepping Your Lawn for Spring

It's that time of year where Georgians can enjoy mornings with frosty temperatures, and by mid-afternoon begin to see temperatures in the 60s and 70s. With today being the first official day of Spring, there is no better time to begin preparing your lawn to flourish once the growing season begins! 

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Soil Compaction 101

Oftentimes, when you think of your lawn's overall health, you might jump to aspects like the color, blade length, or even the presence of bare spots. Well, just like any other plant you have in your garden, the health of the soil underneath your grass plays a huge role in your lawn's health! 

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