
Step towards a better environment, and a way to help your soil, too

We realize once again that there is no such thing as a free lunch. After enjoying the show, the performers fall down on us and leaf raking time is back. 

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Giving Grubs the Snub

Ever laid eyes on a grub? If so, you know how ugly these pests are. Even uglier, though, is the damage they can do to your lawn. Grubs are the unfortunate offspring of beetles, such as June beetles and Japanese beetles, and they hatch from eggs laid in the soil. After hatching, the grubs (or beetle larvae) start feeding on turf roots. 

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8 Simple Reasons for Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

A well-maintained lawn can help to provide a healthier, more pleasant environment for you, your family and your community. Here are some interesting facts about lawns that you may not be aware of:

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Fireweed (American Burnweed)

Fireweed is a nuisance weed that pops up every spring in Georgia. This rapidly growing weed has a shallow root system and germinates in the thatch layer of lawns. Although easily controlled by post-emergent herbicide treatments, pre-emergent treatments have no effect on this invasive weed. Proper lawn maintenance practices provide the most effective means of control. Weekly mowing with a sharp mower blade at the proper mowing height will minimize Fireweed infestations. Managing your thatch layer is also important. Compacted soil and improper mowing practices can lead to excessive thatch. Spring core aeration will relieve compaction and help manage your thatch layer.

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Rejuvenate your Fescue Lawn

Although warm season lawns are somewhat tolerant of the summer heat, cool season lawns can struggle with the heat, humidity, and periods of drought. Since Fescue lawns cannot spread and repair themselves like warm season lawns, they must be aerated and over-seeded to thicken and repair damaged areas.

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Watering your Lawn

Proper water techniques are often misunderstood. As a general guideline, lawns only need 1″ to 1.5″ inches of water per week. It's best to water 1 to 2 times per week early in the morning to achieve this goal. Watering for a longer period of time less frequently soaking the soil to a 6″ to 8″ depth will promote a deeper root system and improve drought tolerance. Short frequent watering will cause shallow rooting. Shallow rooting will lead to poor drought tolerance and increase disease susceptibility. Its best to water your lawn and landscape plants early in the morning before the sun rises. This will allow time for the water to soak into the soil before evaporation can occur. 

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Scalping your Lawn

Scalping your lawn means mowing your lawn down to 1″ and removing the dormant layer. Warm season lawns should be scalped once a year in the spring (March). This will help to decrease thatch, improve spring green-up, help control spring weeds, and improve the appearance of your lawn all season.  How to Scalp  Make sure your mower blade is ...

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  1978 Hits

Proper Lawn Maintenance

Having a quality lawn involves promoting healthy soil, adding plenty of the right nutrients, and using proper lawn maintenance techniques. Proper lawn maintenance is an integral part of having a beautiful, healthy lawn. 

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Managing Thatch

Soil compaction and thatch build-up are two of the biggest obstacles we face in Georgia. Compacted soil restricts the movement of air, water and nutrients into the soil. This can lead to excessive thatch build-up. 

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Aeration: Creating Room for Growth

Aeration is one of the best things you can do for your lawn. It is the process of making thousands of holes in the turf to open the soil and break up thatch. The cores removed by aeration "melt" into the lawn and improve thatch breakdown. 
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Spring Lawn Maintenance

Spring Lawn Maintenance – Scalping your warm season lawn (Bermuda / Zoysia Lawn) 

Having a quality lawn involves promoting healthy soil, adding plenty of the right nutrients, and using proper lawn maintenance techniques. 

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