By Corey on Monday, 26 February 2024
Category: Insect Control

Georgia’s Most Wanted: Tackling Fire Ants and Grubs in Your Lawn

The approaching Georgia spring and summer warm temperatures are not only appealing to residents but also to a variety of lawn pests that can wreak havoc on all your outdoor spaces. From the nuisance of fire ants to the damage caused by grubs, understanding these common invaders and knowing how to treat them is essential for maintaining a healthy, green lawn. Below, we will explore these two lawn pests common in North Georgia and offer expert tips on how to keep them at bay.

Fire Ants

Fire ants are small, aggressive, reddish-brown ants that build large dirt mounds as their nests. If you have ever been unfortunate enough to step in one of their nests, you know the burn of a fire ant bite is extremely painful and even dangerous if allergic.


Aside from the painful bites of these insects, they can also damage lawns with their unsightly mounds, leaving dead patches of grass, and even damaging structures and small plants. 

Control and Prevention 

Fire ants use tunnels and trenches underground before becoming visible with nests on the surface, so using effective fire ant control is a must. Prevention is also key to keep Fire ants under control in your lawn. Eliminating standing water around your yard is the best way to keep Fire ants from moving in. Remove any items that may be holding water and clear up any drainage issues around your property to allow proper water levels.

Whether you need to control or prevent, AgroPro will help you find a proper treatment plan and maintain regular inspections to keep you and your family safe from the burning bite of Fire ants. Want to read more on fire ants and how AgroPro can help?


Grubs are the larvae of various types of beetles. The Japanese beetle grub is most commonly found on Georgia lawns, with its white color and c-shaped body


Grubs can cause significant damage while still hidden underground as they eat grass roots, causing brown, dead patches and soft, spongy turf that can easily detach. Grubs can also attract other pests like moles, birds and raccoons that may destroy a lawn while on the hunt for a juicy snack.

Control and Prevention

Early identification and monitoring are helpful in detecting grubs in your yard. Lawn maintenance and upkeep are also important to make your outdoor space less inviting for these beetles to lay their eggs. If an infestation is apparent in your yard there are several things that can help. Beneficial nematodes and microbial insecticides can be applied to the soil to target grubs, which can reduce their numbers naturally and provide an ecofriendly way to control them.

When a more direct approach is needed in battling grubs, AgroPro's Grub Control treatments are designed to prevent these pests from attacking your lawn and will also help minimize the appearance of Japanese beetles, which is the adult stage of white grubs. Read more about grubs and how AgroPro can help, here.

Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn in Georgia requires not just regular upkeep but also vigilance against these common pests. From the unsightly dirt mound of the fire ant to the nuisance of beetle larvae infestations, these pests can turn your outdoor space into a battleground. Identifying problems areas, employing preventative measures, and adopting appropriate treatment strategies is crucial. The best defense is a good offense. When you need help controlling and preventing pesky havoc in your yard, contact AgroPro and trust the professionals to guide you in a comprehensive treatment plan.