Identifying & Controlling Fire Ants

Georgia is home to many different species of ants, and while most types may be known for searching for something sweet at your next backyard BBQ, one of the most detrimental to your lawn, family, and pets are Fire Ants.

Identifying Fire Ants

These tiny insects, known for their vibrant red color, large dirt piles, and most of all their painful bites, are amongst other lawn pests like grubs, spittlebugs, and mosquitoes and pose a large threat to all who pass through your lawn.

Fire ant nests, found all over southern US states, are known for their large, clay-like dirt piles and work as one to harm nest invaders. Their collective-minded nature to harm poses huge threats to children and pets playing in your lawn.

Effects of Fire Ants

When their nests are disturbed, tens to hundreds of fire ants will rush out to attack intruders. Fire ants will use their mandibles (pinchers around the mouth) to bite humans, pets, and other wildlife, resulting in a burning, pinching, or itching sensation that can last up to 10 days. In some cases, severe allergic reactions can happen in humans that can lead anaphylaxis or even death. Fire ants can damage horticulture by feeding on young trees, and even damage property when nesting against housing, wooden structures, or utility equipment.

Controlling Colonies

Controlling insects less than ¼" long may seem like an impossibility, but there are many known and proven ways to deal with Fire ants on the spot and keep them away for good. Fire ant nests can cause severe damage to the health of your lawn and the soil's ecosystem. Seeing a fire ant nest is always the last sign of their arrival; fire ants will use tunnels and trenches below the ground before becoming visible, so using proper fire ant control is a must. AgroPro offers Fire ant control amongst a range of insect control solutions to keep your lawn healthy and your pets and family safe from harm for up to 12 months per treatment.

Preventing Pests

One of the best ways to prevent any insect presence in your lawn is to eliminate standing water. This is usually best achieved by following the proper watering levels for your grass, climate, and season. Overwatering can create standing water underneath the blades that tend to invite all sorts of insects to your lawn, check out another one of our lawn care blogs for a watering guide. Any homeowner can also target standing water in their lawn by regularly overturning vessels that might gather rainwater (buckets, pots, or trashcan lids), unclogging gutters, and other landscape areas with drainage problems.

Finding a custom treatment plan to target and control your lawn's pests can be a pest itself. AgroPro offers treatments for fire ants using bait applications, treatments for individual mounds, barrier, and spot treatments to keep your family safe from their bite. Their trusted professionals will also look out for any recurring nests during regular lawn treatments and retreat as needed.

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