Healthy Lawns Lead to a Healthier Environment!

When it comes to green space, healthy lawns provide benefits far beyond aesthetics in your neighborhood. Having and maintaining a healthy lawn helps the environment, as well as your quality of life! Take a look at these five ways that having and maintaining a healthy lawn can benefit you as well as the world around you.

Oxygen Production

Like all plants, grass takes in carbon dioxide from the air, water, and sunlight, and uses them to generate glucose and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. One person can get all of their daily oxygen from just 625 square feet of grass. This means that an average-sized lawn of 7,500 square feet provides enough oxygen for 12 people! Additionally, grass has the ability to pull CO2 out of the air, which prevents it from elevating temperatures and causing other issues. Lastly, the strong roots of your grass hold the soil in place, preventing it from drying out and becoming dust that could be carried with the wind and deposited on homes, cars, and anything else outside.

Preventing Rainwater Erosion

In addition to grass helping to hold on to soil and helping it retain moisture, grass can also help to prevent the negative affects of too much rainfall in a specific area. Heavy rainfall leads to an increase in runoff, water draining away from one area. This runoff can carry away soil and nutrients, leaving damaged areas of a lawn and creating dangerous areas to walk. Healthy grass is able to hold itself, and the dirt that it relies on, more securely to prevent too much material washing away.

Psychological Effects

Studies have shown that access to green spaces helps individuals sleep better, reduce stress, and more. According to NASA, access to green spaces can actually help in children's development with regards to psychiatry. Keeping a lawn healthy and green can turn your neighborhood into one huge green space for your community. On top of that, grass can have a sound-dampening effect thanks to the shape of its structure, as well as the softness of the soil. Areas with a lot of greenery tend to have fewer issues with sound pollution.

Allergy and Temperature Control

Grass doesn't only prevent the creation of dust from dry soil, but also can trap the dust and pollen that is floating through the air, helping to scrub the air clean. Individuals with seasonal allergies brought on by pollen in the air can benefit greatly from this air-scrubbing quality, as it means there's less pollen in the air to tickle their throats. 

Additionally, grass has huge cooling power. Eight average-sized lawns can have the same cooling effect as 70 tons of air conditioning. A healthy lawn can help to cut down on cooling costs during the warmer months.

Healthy Lawns Can Slow or Stop Fires from Spreading

In the event of a fire in a populated area, fires have the ability to spread from home to home via wind, or by traveling across paths of dry fuel for the fire to consume. A healthy lawn can help to slow the spread of fires due to its high water content and lack of dry material for the fire to consume. Some grasses have even been known to offer protection in wildfires.

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