When you picture your lawn at its peak of health, you think about the grass being warm, vibrantly green and soft to the touch. What we do not often picture are rough, bare spots or unsightly discoloration due to lawn disease.

Lawn disease can be one of the most frustrating problems to have when maintaining your lawn's health because people often think that it happens at random or because of a lack of sunlight. While sunshine can play a part, there are many different things that can cause lawn disease. One of the often overlooked elements is the weather. 

Identifying Typical Lawn Diseases

There is no shortage of lawns here in Georgia that are vulnerable to some type of lawn disease. If your turf is "stressed out" then you might find signs of disease more easily, as opposed to turf with more frequent watering and mowing practices.

Some of the most common lawn diseases in Georgia are: 

  • Brown Patch
  • Dollar Spot
  • Pythium Blight
  • Slime Mold 
  • Spring Dead Spot
  • Rust Disease
  • Fairy Ring
  • Large Patch 

What Weather Factors Impact Your Lawn

The definition of weather is "the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness." These elements are exactly what come into play when talking about lawn disease, most notably temperature (heat or cold) and moisture (wetness or dryness).

Extended periods of heat during the summertime can negatively impact your lawn if you are not watering the turf enough to keep it strong. If you are finding that you're seeing lawn disease even with a frequent watering schedule in the summer, this could be due to watering too late in the day. Watering during peak temperatures can cause the water to evaporate before even seeping into the soil.

Alternatively, if your lawn is experiencing extended periods of heavy rain or humidity and is showing signs of disease, this could be due to poor drainage caused by over-compacted soil. 

The fungi that cause lawn disease thrive in spots with poor turf health, especially if it's too warm and overly moist.

Preventative Measures to Take

While we cannot always predict the weather accurately, we can take measures to prevent disease from festering before and after hot and wet seasons. Since some diseases thrive in areas of your lawn with high humidity, take a look around the lawn and see if there's any standing water that could be at fault.

Simple things such as piles of leaves, mulch or pine straw on your lawn can prevent proper airflow. Other times, your thatch layer may be built up too much and could need to be removed. This is known as dethatching.

Your lawn may also be over-compacted and in need of aeration to alleviate compaction. This process allow your soil to breathe and can improve poor nutrient flow. 

Your Local Lawn Disease Experts

At AgroPro, we have lawn disease programs designed to help your lawn fight against the environmental conditions that are causing disease. These treatments often need applied multiple times each year. If you are curious about fighting lawn disease in 2024, contact us today to see what we recommend!