Fall is upon us! A favorite season for so many because of the mild temperatures and beautiful mosaic of colors Georgia's landscape offers. But what about when those vibrant leaves cover your lawn? You may be asking yourself, "What do I do once the leaves come down?"

Every yard is unique, and the right choice for leaf management can vary depending on your specific circumstances. In this blog, we'll delve into mulching versus leaf removal to help you make an informed decision for your yard. 

Mulching Leaves

What is Mulching?

Mulching involves chopping or shredding leaves into tiny pieces and then spreading them back onto the lawn. This can be done using a mulching mower, leaf shredder or even a lawn mower with a mulching blade. 


Soil: As leaves decompose, they release essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium back into the soil. This natural process enriches your lawn's soil, promoting healthier grass.

Moisture: Mulched leaves help retain soil moisture by acting as a natural blanket. This can be particularly beneficial during dry spells and reduces the frequency of watering needed.

Waste: Mulching is an eco-friendly option that keeps organic matter out of landfills. By recycling leaves on-site, you contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Weeds: A layer of mulched leaves can help suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weed seeds from germinating.


Excess: If too many leaves are mulched at once, they can create a thick layer that may smother the grass and hinder sunlight and air from reaching the soil. This can cause several issues including disease, fungus and unwanted pests.

Messy: Some homeowners might find the appearance of mulched leaves less appealing compared to a lawn free of all leaves and debris. 

Removing Leaves

What is Leaf Removal? 

Leaf removal involves collecting and disposing of leaves, typically using rakes or blowers. The leaves are gathered into bags and can be composted or taken to a yard waste facility or some recycling centers. There are also leaf removal services that will come out and remove the leaves for you.  


Aesthetics: A lawn free of leaves looks neat and well-maintained, which is great for curb appeal and a tidy appearance for your home.

Immediate: Removing leaves ensures that your lawn remains clean and free of debris, which can be particularly important if you have a dense layer of leaves that might otherwise smother the grass. It may be pertinent to remove some leaves and mulch a thinner layer if you have an excess of leaf cover.

Prevention: Removing leaves promptly can prevent potential issues such as fungus that can occur when leaves are left to decay. 


Labor: Leaf removal can be time-consuming and physically demanding, especially if you have a large yard with many trees. The cost of materials needed like bags, rakes and gloves may add up, as well.

Environmental: Removing leaves and sending them off can contribute to waste, though many services do offer composting options. You can check your local waste management company to inquire. 

Deciding What's Best

Choosing between mulching and leaf removal depends on several factors. First, consider the size of your lawn and the volume of leaves. If you have a large yard, mulching can be a more practical option. However, for smaller yards or when dealing with an excessive number of leaves, removal might be the better choice. Next, assess the health of your grass. If your lawn is struggling, removing leaves can prevent further stress, whereas mulching can enhance the well-being of a healthy lawn. Personal preferences also play a role, as some homeowners prefer the clean, leaf-free look, while others appreciate the benefits mulching provides. Lastly, think about environmental considerations. If sustainability is a priority, mulching is an excellent way to recycle organic material and enrich your lawn naturally.

At AgroPro Lawncare Services, we're here to help you navigate these decisions and tailor solutions to fit your specific needs. If you're unsure about which option is best for your yard, contact us for a consultation.