When it comes to the summertime, most people would likely associate the season with enjoying a relaxing beach vacation, afternoons spent by the pool, or even a night under the stars, but not stress! While we might enjoy those hot summer days (to an extent), our lawns might be experiencing a phenomenon known as heat stress. 

What is Heat Stress?

With Georgia reaching its peak summer heat temperatures from mid-July to early September, your lawns might become susceptible to heat stress around this time of year. Heat stress occurs when your lawn goes an extended period with little to no moisture, along with high levels of blistering, dry heat. It can leave your lawn feeling dry to the touch, and even begin to brown your green grass blades.

Perhaps the part of your grass that can be affected the most is the root system, not the blades. Your lawn's root system is responsible for soaking up moisture and keeping your grass blades growing strong; without a strong root system, it will be hard for your grass to grow to its full potential. 

Identifying Heat Stress in Your Lawn

One of the first signs to look for is color change. As the heat increases, grass blades may change from a vibrant green to a brown color at the tips. Also, you may notice that footprint tracks indent on the grass longer than usual. Keep an eye out for patches of brown or dead grass, as these areas can indicate heat stress. 

Treating Heat Stress

Aerating Your Lawn: Periodically aerating your lawn will improve air and water getting to the roots. This will prevent soil buildup and promote root growth.
Hydration is Key: Deep watering is vital to counteract the effects of heat stress. Watering your lawn in the morning before the sun's highest peak will allow your lawn to absorb the moisture.
Fertilizing Wisely: Use a well-balanced fertilizer that provides nutrients to keep a healthy lawn. Avoid over fertilizing in the peak of summer.
Autumn Recovery: Some grasses can't be revived when the heat was too much. As autumn gradually approaches and cooler temperatures set in, it's important to provide your lawn with weekly irrigation. Irrigation is vital for a healthy, thriving lawn, and to reduce compaction.

Keeping up with lawn care during the fall is important for recovering from the heat and promoting lawn health. At AgroPro our lawn care revolves around thorough soil testing. This helps us assess your soils pH and nutrients, allowing us to customize our nutrients to suit your specific needs. Are you ready to safeguard and enhance your lawn's beauty? Reach out to us now and let us help you achieve a healthy lawn.