Turf Painting 101

Oftentimes when people think of turf painting, they might think of the lines that workers paint on a football field or a baseball diamond before a game, but did you know turf painting actually can be a great way to beautify your lawn? 

That's right! With many benefits, residential turf painting can be a great way to combat the dullness of brown grass in the Fall and Winter months here in Georgia. 

Turf Painting's Benefits 

In Georgia, if your lawn is seeded with a warm season grass, such as Bermuda or Zoysia, then you likely recognize what its dormancy period looks like. This is when your grass begins to turn to a yellowish-brown once the temperatures drop below 50 degrees. One of the best ways that you can preserve your lawn's color while increasing the curb appeal is by turf painting.

Turf painting utilizes organic matter as a lawn colorant, offering your property an appealing look that you can now boast year-round. Turf painting allows you to cover up the yellowish-brown color of your dormant lawn with a natural color that will last.

AgroPro's turf painting is a much better alternative to overseeding your lawn with winter ryegrass, which can yield inconsistent results. Turf painting gives your lawn a fully natural, lush, green look, and can actually benefit your lawn come Springtime.

Turf paint is not the same as your typical spray paint you might see in at the hardware store, it is made from organic materials meant to keep your lawn looking great and your family and pets safe.

Will It Damage My Lawn? 

Turf painting is not harmful to your lawn. At AgroPro, we use an organic colorant that is proven to be safe for the environment that will create a natural-looking lawn that is soft and green.

Not only is organic turf painting beneficial to the aesthetic of your lawn, but the process can actually sometimes improve the overall health of your lawn. The colorant keeps the grass slightly warmer in the Winter, which in turn will speed up the "green-up" process come Springtime.

Is Turf Painting a Hassle? 

At AgroPro, our turf painting will last up to 3 months, keeping your grass looking great throughout the holidays and into the new year. Turf painting does not require any extra mowing, watering, fertilizer, or any other additional herbicide treatments once applied, giving you extra time around one of the busiest times of the year!

While turf paint is a great way to add a vibrant look to your lawn, it cannot bring your dead lawn back to life. If you think your lawn might be beyond minor repairs, contact AgroPro to learn more about our seeding options.

Want to Know More?

If you are interested in beautifying the look of your dormant lawn this season with turf painting, contact AgroPro to learn more or for an estimate today!
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